Our Missionaries

Reach Church proudly stands in the mission field and supports the following missionaries, ministries and church plants. 

Ryan & Shawna Scheibel

Water Brooks Church

Ryan & Shawna moved from California to Idaho in 2020 and planted a church. The mission of Water Brooks Church is the same mission Jesus gave in Matthew 28 to, “Go therefore and make disciples.”

Chris & Nicole Kroger

Roots Church

Monument, CO
With an intense passion for God, His church, and a desperation to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus, Chris, his family, and the entire team at Roots Church are excited and expectant for all the Lord is doing to accomplish His heart and His mission to LOVE, GROW, GO.

Pregnancy Resource Center

Boulder, CO
The Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center supports and empowers women facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy with confidential, compassionate help, medical care and accurate information.
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center is a faith based organization and does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control.

Tab & Candace Howell

Noah's Ministry

Noah’s Ministry brings hope to special needs families one family at a time. As an organization, we work to see a community where special needs individuals and their families receive the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual support needed to thrive.

Jamie & Alena Sanchez

Recycle God's Love

Recycle God's Love is founded on the belief that Jesus was sent to die for the sins of all mankind. We take that enormous amount of love and recycle it onto others in His name. With the help of volunteers and supporters, Recycle God's Love serves up to 300 people at Outreach Events. We provide hot meals, clothing, hygiene, life saving winter supplies, and most importantly, the love of Christ.

Jesus Burgers

Broomfield, CO

Jesus Burgers is a weekly outreach funded by Reach Church. We feed hundreds of Broomfield High School students every Wednesday. We preach the gospel, pray for and love on the kids. We have seen lives and families transformed through this work. We would love for you to partner with us, whether that be financially or practically - coming to volunteer your time.
Wes Bentley
Far Reaching Ministries
South Sudan
Wes's mission is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to some of the most dangerous areas in the world. Wes's ministry is dedicated to raising up chaplains in South Sudan and providing humanitarian resources.

Theo & Rebecca

The Jedlicka Family

El Salvador

The Jedlicka family serves full time in El Salvador. Theo spends his time pastoring at Union Church, as well as teaching various classes for Latino missionaries and students in YWAM around Central America, and providing pastoral support for other missionaries with Missionsake.

Unnamed for Security Reasons

Middle East
Our missionaries in Turkey serve with Cru ministries. Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus. They help to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others. They lead a team of hundreds of missionaries in the Middle East to print and hand out Gospel material. 

Augustine Wanyama

Global Minds Education

Nairobi, Kenya

Augustine runs a centre that provides Christian education for children living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. The centre feeds the children 2 meals per day and provides occasional medical services. Augustine also serves as the Lead Pastor of Hope Discovery Church in Nairobi. 

Joshua Fund

The Joshua Fund was founded by Joel and Lynn Rosenberg in the summer of 2006. The desire of their heart was to mobilize Christians to “bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus,” according to Genesis 12:1-3. Ministry is done via four main modes: Equip The Global Church, Serve The Needy, Teach The Word Of God, & Encourage Pastors.

Go Give Hope


Go Give Hope believes that every national believer has a role to play in world evangelism and that they can be very effective in communicating the gospel to the people of their language group. Their mobility and accessibility to different villages is not always available to outsiders which makes their training a very sustainable approach to spread the gospel.

Doulos Coffee Co.

We are a single-origin small-batch roasting company based out of Broomfield, CO. Our desire is to bring you a wonderful cup of coffee and give glory to Jesus by financially supporting Kingdom work. When you buy coffee from Doulos Coffee Co., you partner with missionaries and Reach Church to help spread the gospel.